Lifting Solution

The secret to a natural and youthful face
Custom tailored anti-aging solution

/ the anti-aging solution /

Why Lifting?

Everybody wants to look younger.


But as we age, our skin looses its elasticity, causing 

wrinkles to form and skin to sag.


Lifting targets these issues at the source, effectively

managing age-related concerns.

Customized lifting, just for you:

Experience UPIC Lifting

/ the start of unwanted aging /

How wrinkles and sagging begin

Younger Skin

Connective tissue helps
the skin remain firm.

Fat is evenly distributed

throughout the face.

Aging Skin

Connective tissue weakens

and fat shifts downwards.

Skin appears uneven with

sunken areas.

Collagen level decreases as we age, leading to a loss of skin elasticity.

This results in sagging skin and wrinkles that deepen gradually over time.

/ find the lifting that's right for you /

Different skin ages require
different lifting techniques

Severe aging does not occur. Connective tissues are

strong and elasticity is high. However, small lines and pore elasticity can be addressed.


Potenza DIA

Radio frequency (RF) lasers are recommended for

skin maintenance.

Elasticity decreases in the shallow epidermis and

dermis layers of the skin. The skin is gradually aging and elasticity can vary between individuals.


  • Liftera2
  • Shurink
  • Universe       


High frequency (HF) and high intensity focused

ultrasound (HIFU) lasers can be used together for

better results.

Fine wrinkles appear and skin elasticity decreases.

Sagging in the skin’s fascia layer requires a powerful

lifting technique.


Thread Lifting

High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) lasers and

thread lifting are recommended.

/ UPIC Lifting Solution /

Check Point!

UPIC lifting solution isn’t one-size-fits-all,
we conduct a 1:1 consultation to find a complex solution just for you.

1:1 personalized


natural & youthful


various complex




With UPIC lifting solutions
you can turn back the clock on aging.

It's never too early to start.