3 wavelengths for 3 effects

A revolution in lifting technology.

Premium Laser Titanium Lifting

Premium Laser

Titanium Lifting

UPIC Clinic is officially recognized

By considering your individual skin type, we provide you with a safer and more

professional Titanium Lifting experience.

By considering your individual skin type, we provide you with

a safer and more professional Titanium Lifting experience.


Quick, Powerful, Painless

next generation lifting, TITANIUM LIFTING

Point 1

Lift, tighten, and tone with just one machine

Point 2

See thread-lifting effects without invasive treatments

Point 3

Get immediate results without pain or downtime

3 simultaneous wavelengths achieve
an instant lifting effect

The world’s first 3-wavelength technology, Titanium Lifting uses 755nm, 810nm, and 1064nm lasers.

These wavelengths provide unique effects on their own, in addition to working together to provide wrinkle

improvement and tightened skin.

3가지 동시 파장으로 이루어낸
눈에 보이는 즉각적인 리프팅 효과

세계 최초 동시 3파장 침투의 강력한 리프팅 효과로 755nm, 810nm, 1064nm 3가지 파장 레이저를 이용하여 각각의 레이저가 가진 효과는 물론, 주름개선과 타이트닝 효과까지 선사합니다.

Lifting + Tightening + Brightening

3 results in 1!


리프팅 + 타이트닝 + 브라이트닝

3가지 효과를 한번에!

fitted to your skin type

Customized Lifting

Simultaneous utilization of STACK and SHR modes promises a synergistic effect and a custom-made treatment.

less pain, better results
Soprano Titanium Lifting

less pain, better results

Soprano Titanium Lifting

Titanium Lifting is a pain-free, comfortable treatment that produces immediate results.


As a Titanium-certified clinic,

UPIC provides a pleasant treatment

without discomfort


Powerful cooling of up to

-3℃ minimizes pain during

the procedure


Minimal bruising or swelling

allows for an immediate return

to daily life


티타늄 공식 인증 병원
유픽클리닉의 노하우로
불편함 없는 편안한 시술

아프지 않게

최대 영하 3도의
강력한 쿨링 시스템으로
시술 통증 최소화

티나지 않게

붓기나 멍이 적으며
다운타임 없이
빠른 일상 복귀 가능